August newsletter

Seriously, these have been the hottest 8 weeks I’ve ever seen. Huge hail storms in Sunriver, thunderstorms by the dozens and more lightning strikes than I can count (over 8,000 one Thursday alone). From a strictly working standpoint it’s been a tough 8 weeks…great fun has been had by most though enjoying the Central Oregon summer.

We’ve begun fall fertilizer applications already and will finish up in the next week or so. As the weather cools we’ll cut back on watering until we shut it off in mid-October. FYI, it’s the length of days that really makes a difference in the grass health with shorter days relieving some of the stress from high temps. We didn’t actually get that much rain in August but did have some cloudy days that really ease temperature stress also.

We’ll have some time in September to get some extra work done, if you have any thing that you’ve been waiting on please don’t hesitate to ask. Fall cleanup and pruning will increase towards the end of October and intensify through Thanksgiving.

The next 8 weeks will likely bring 7 wonderful weather weeks to the high desert and hotel occupancy will plummet so get out and enjoy all of our blessing while the days are warm and the nights are cool.

Thanks as always for your input and support.


Ed Bartz


PO Box 205

Bend OR 97709
